

1. Basics

    1.1 What is ReactJS?

    1.2 Setting up React Environment

    1.3 JSX Syntax

    1.4 Components

2. Components

    2.1 Functional Components

    2.2 Class Components

    2.3 Props

    2.4 State

    2.5 Lifecycle Methods

    2.6 Hooks (useState, useEffect, useContext, etc.)

3. Advanced Concepts

    3.1 Context API

    3.2 Error Boundaries

    3.3 Refs

    3.4 Portals

    3.5 Higher-Order Components (HOC)

    3.6 Render Props

4. State Management

    4.1 useState Hook

    4.2 useReducer Hook

    4.3 Context API

    4.4 Redux

    4.5 MobX

5. Routing

    5.1 React Router

    5.2 Route Configuration

    5.3 Navigation

    5.4 Dynamic Routing

6. Forms

    6.1 Controlled Components

    6.2 Uncontrolled Components

    6.3 Form Validation

    6.4 Handling Form Submission

7. Performance Optimization

    7.1 Memoization

    7.2 React.memo

    7.3 useMemo

    7.4 useCallback

    7.5 Lazy Loading

    7.6 Code Splitting

8. Styling

    8.1 CSS Modules

    8.2 Styled Components

    8.3 Emotion

    8.4 Inline Styles

9. Testing

    9.1 Unit Testing with Jest

    9.2 Integration Testing with React Testing Library

    9.3 End-to-End Testing with Cypress

10. Build and Deployment

    10.1 Create React App

    10.2 Webpack

    10.3 Babel

    10.4 Deployment Strategies