1. Introduction

    1.1 What is htmx?

    1.2 How htmx works

    1.3 Key Concepts

2. Basic Usage

    2.2 Adding htmx to a Project

    2.3 Core Attributes

        2.3.1 hx-get

        2.3.2 hx-post

        2.3.3 hx-put

        2.3.4 hx-delete

        2.3.5 hx-swap

        2.3.6 hx-target

        2.3.7 hx-trigger

    2.4 Event Handling

        2.4.1 hx-on

        2.4.2 hx-trigger

        2.4.3 hx-swap

3. Advanced Features

    3.1 hx-boost

    3.2 hx-push-url

    3.3 hx-preserve

    3.4 hx-headers

    3.5 hx-indicator

    3.6 hx-ext

4. Extensions

    4.1 htmx extensions

    4.2 Using extensions

    4.3 Creating custom extensions

5. Attributes

    5.1 Core Attributes Overview

    5.2 Advanced Attribute Customization

    5.3 Combining Multiple Attributes

6. Server Interaction

    6.1 Server-side Integration

    6.2 Handling JSON Responses

    6.3 Handling HTML Fragments

    6.4 Error Handling

7. Performance Optimization

    7.1 Lazy Loading

    7.2 Polling

    7.3 Caching

    7.4 Optimizing Server Responses

8. Debugging and Testing

    8.1 htmx Events for Debugging

    8.2 Testing htmx Interactions

    8.3 Common Pitfalls and Troubleshooting

9. Best Practices

    9.1 Structuring htmx-based Applications

    9.2 Accessibility Considerations

    9.3 SEO Considerations

10. Use Cases

    10.1 Single Page Applications (SPAs)

    10.2 Progressive Enhancement

    10.3 Enhancing Existing Applications

11. Community and Resources

    11.1 Official Documentation

    11.2 Community Contributions

    11.3 Tutorials and Guides