4.6 abbr, cite, dfn | HTML

4.6 abbr, cite, dfn
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In HTML, the elements <abbr>, <cite>, and <dfn> are used to define and indicate specific types of content within a document, such as abbreviations, citations, and definitions.

1. <abbr> Element

The <abbr> element represents an abbreviation or acronym. It is used to mark up abbreviated forms of words or phrases, providing additional context or clarification.


<p>The <abbr title="World Health Organization">WHO</abbr> was founded in 1948.</p>
The abbr

In this example, "WHO" is the abbreviated form, and the title attribute provides the full expansion "World Health Organization" as a tooltip.

2. <cite> Element

The <cite> element defines the title of a work (e.g., a book, a paper, a song) and optionally the author or source from which the title is taken. It is used to mark up citations within text.


<p>In the article <cite>Lorem Ipsum</cite>, the author discusses the origins of the text.</p>
The cite

In this example, "Lorem Ipsum" is cited within the <cite> element to indicate the title of the article or work being referenced.

3. <dfn> Element

The <dfn> element represents the defining instance of a term. It is used to mark up the defining instance of a term within a document, typically the first occurrence, to provide its definition or meaning.


<p>The <dfn>HTML</dfn> stands for HyperText Markup Language.</p>

In this example, "HTML" is marked up with the <dfn> element to indicate its definition as "HyperText Markup Language".


These HTML elements—<abbr>, <cite>, and <dfn>—are used to define and provide additional context to abbreviations, citations, and definitions within a document, enhancing accessibility and clarity of content.

To learn more about HTML, click here: HTML

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